2017 In Review

Omo! It is already 2018, and I have neglected this blog for too long. The last time I wrote a year in review was way back in 2015 when I summarized 2014.

Each year has its theme. If 2013 was my year of testing and of experiencing bitterness, 2014 the year of transitions, and 2015 the year of beginnings, 2017 was… honestly a year of exhaustion. Being an adult is fun, but it comes at a price. That’s something they never tell you at school. I actually began 2017 with a bang by having a severe panic attack that resulted in me being rushed out from a restaurant to the hospital (sounds more dramatic than it really was.). I tried to roll back on what freelance work I was taking in since I wasn’t sleeping or eating properly. Despite that, however, I ended 2017 feeling just so drained and tired. A small trip–a sort of retreat–was overdue.

You know, taking time off is a good thing.

I returned feeling refreshed spiritually and with a more positive outlook on my life. I did not experience exhilarating moments of clarity or spiritual ecstasy, but that is fine. I know that those mountaintop experiences are brief, but are no match for determined  daily prayer.

I am teaming up with a few of my church friends so we can read the bible during 2018. I’m gonna try to do that. I have read the Bible cover to cover, but one can never read it too much.

2017 Professionally: So many opportunities. I took them all but how I struggled to get to work. I was exhausted. I didn’t want to work. I was burnt out. However, recently there has been an interesting turn of events that may stoke the fire of creativity that I feel has gone out from within me. I also got a nice raise at work, so let’s see how 2018 plays itself out in this area…

2017 Personally: So I haven’t made new friends, but those I have I was determined to keep and love more. One of the things I realized early on in 2017 was that I wanted the mission of my life to be to love others more. I am not one to go and make dozens of friends. I only have maybe one or two close ones–counting my mom. But I realized that the reason why I often felt so left out was because I was not interested in the needs of others. I decided to correct that this year with positive results. Doors were opened. Got job offers, I was invited to preach, I got involved in several volunteering endeavors. It was very rewarding. As to romantic love. Same old story. Nothing there.

2017 Health: so in 2016 I lost about 50 pounds. in 2017 I gained 18 pounds back. So bad. Again I attribute this to my general feeling of bleh this year. I stopped running, and I stopped being careful with what I ate. But I am back on track by juicing and eating many more vegetables than sweets.

2017: Spiritual. Gahhhh! The biggest bad here. When you are too busy and burnt out you THINK you don’t have enough energy to read the word, but that is all an excuse. In 2017 I read dozens and dozens of those trashy novels you are too embarrassed to recommend to your mom, and reread the stormlight archive books and many other fiction favorites. So that is a lame excuse. But being imbalanced in this area is bad.

Also there is a major point that threw my balance out of whack, but also helped as a wakeup call. Troubles at church caught me off-guard. I was angry, confused, demoralized. BUT this helped me to realize the reason why I was so confused was because I had somehow lost sight of my Jesus. I do not do ministry to follow a pastor. I do not do ministry to uphold a church. I do ministry because that is my calling: To love and serve Jesus in whichever way I can.

So, here is to 2018. Lets make it a year of new beginnings (again), and of revival and prayer. There are many friends and family members who are right now struggling and in pain or who are quietly and courageously bearing some untold burden. I will pray for them, and love them more.